Last week on 24th September to 27th September,
my friends and I went to Sandakan for our holiday trip.
Sandakan is well known with its delicious and cheap foods especially the seafood.
on 24th September, we took the bus to Sandakan at 7 a.m.
on the way to Sandakan, there are funny thing happen..
three out of four of us feel dizzy on the journey.
then when arrive the mile 20++, we call our friend where we stay at her house.
She ask us to drop off the bus at the mile 7 bus stop. BUT non of us know the place and miss the bus stop. lastly we drop off at the mile 4 bus stop.
we wait her there and her mom took us to have our lunch.
After that we go to her house and have great afternoon rest there.
at night, I went to have a steamboat buffet dinner and the ‘1 Malaysia Steamboat restaurant’ on the Bukit Bendera.
this is one of the seafood ( the shell) that we eat on the restaurant. the shell was supper big and delicious.
We enjoy the dinner very much and was very full.. ^-^
after the dinner, we went for a drink at the Subway Cafe at the Indah. after some drinks, we went to watch movie at the eldest cinema at town. It was an old building and not much people went there for movie. We watch ‘Cybrog’ at that night and i was the last show for the night. at the cinema hall, there are only few of us watch the movie. Anyway it is a nice movie.

we took the photo before the movie start ..XD
on the next day (25th September), all of us sleep until 10a.m.
after prepare our self, we went to have our Brunch(Breakfast + Lunch = Brunch)
after that, we go to have a look around the area(forgot the area’s name).
then we go to play pool. after that we back to mile 4 market and have the dumpling and ‘Char tau kuey’ for our tea time meal.. The dumpling here was very huge compare to the KK’s dumpling and the price was same with KK.
after that, we went home and take a rest.
At night, we went to a Bistro at the seaside to have a drink and snack there. I still remember the avocado juice that i drink taste like the banana juice but it is nice. we hang out there and have a conversation there before continue at the next place.
The next place we go was Pub. it was fun inside the pub and have a glass of drinks. the music was nice,techno music. I really enjoy myself there but feel a bit uncomfortable. maybe is we not really know the place yet… or the environment inside the pub was different with the pub in kk, so we feel like uncomfortable and weird. we went home around 12:30 a.m. on that night. Something funny happen on that night. Actually we sleep in two different room on my friend’s house, one is the girl’s room and the other is the boy’s room(next to the girl’s room). It was around 3a.m. where we ( boys) already sleep, suddenly we was awake by a laughing sound by the girls. when i wake up i saw them(girls) sit at the end of the bed and keep on laughing. i was shock at first as i though i saw something dirty. but as i try to open my eyes again, it was the girls.but why they sit here and keep laughing??? I also don’t know what had happen, then i ask them.. they said that they had say something that scared them self and come to our room to ask for help.. =.=’’’ tat was my expression.. haha..them my other friend wake up and also shock by their laughing sound… he keep on teasing them until they feel scare and sit on the middle of the bed.. and suddenly..*BOOM*… the bed can’t afford our weight and fall down… hahaha.. we keep on laughing but at the same time fix the bed ……we actually sleep on 4:30 a.m. on that night…
the next morning (26th September), we all wake up by the phone call from our other friend who actually already ask us to go for breakfast with her. Actually she ask us to go there on 9a.m but non of us wake up on time until she call us on 8:30a.m. maybe it was because of last night we sleep on 4:30a.m and we still feel asleep and tired. After prepare our self, we went to a place called Buli Sim Sim… it was the place where we can the the house above the sea, where most of them are a fishermen. there are also a restaurant there. the ‘pi dan dumpling’ was vey nice…
after breakfast, we went to the Rainforest Discovery Centre at sepilok.
we had a fun time at there…

took a picture in the toilet..=P

does it look like an eyes??

nice orchid found at the orchid garden
playing the paddle boat on the lake…
at night, we went to have our dinner at the SS2 seafood restaurant.and after that, we also went to eat the ‘Ikan kerapu Bakar’ and fried squid at the town.
the next morning(27th September), we went to the Imperial Bay View Restaurant to have our breakfast with our friend’s father… her father was very kind and friendly and guess what, he had order 40++ plate of ‘siu mai’ to serve us… all of us was very full and there are still some food that haven’t finish…
After the breakfast, we went home and ready to go back to KK by bus…
we took the bus on mile 8 bus stop around 1:30pm and arrive KK bus terminal around 7:30pm…
It was a really fun holiday with my friend at Sandakan and I’m looking forward to the next trip to other place again with them… ^0^