16 June 2009
our group has a group performance practice at one of our group member, Amy's house. stating from around 4.30 pm, we go to her house from school. When we arrive there we are totally LOST!! because we actually don't know which one is her house haha.. so we just simply walk and go to look for her house... but we did call her but we dint listen properly what she talk to us... we just heard she said "go upstairs, my house at 2nd floor.", so we just simply walk and go 'upstairs' as what she told us... but the funny thing is.. we use the wrong staircase.. HAHAHA... so as we walk up, we din saw her and we did do something 'stupid + funny'..we shout"Amy...Amy..." haha but she dint go out from the HOUSE, but from downstairs.. she is looking for us as we are using the wrong staircase.. haha.. her house is on the other side ( going up from the staircase BESIDE the STAIRCASE that we use at first) haha...
As we practice there, its time for dinner.. and guess what... our dinner is prepare by Yap and Amy.. its nice and delicious ... mmm yummy... haha
after dinner, we chit-chatting for awhile and not realize that it is almost 9 pm... so we clean up the house and wait for our car to go home...
here are some picture taken on that day...
this is our dinner that night..

GROUP picture before having our dinner!!! ^^


Last night, i go watch the movie in title "Drag Me To Hell"
it was a horror movie...but very nice... it was the first time i *jump* when watching movie in cinema!! haha i think most of the audience also *jump* when watching this movie... the sound effect on the cinema was very good and this make the movie ALIVE... haha... for those who haven't watch this movie, i recommend you to watch it... especially at night!!! haha