its been a while i dint update my blog…
after my last update about the sandakan trip… and now i already back to my college life…
NEW semester, NEW time table, NEW subject…
talking about the time table, my course’s schedule quite pack…
Monday i have class from 9a.m. to 5 p.m
Tuesday only one class on 12p.m to 2p.m
Wednesday 9a.m to 4.30p.m
Thursday 11.30a.m to 4p.m
and Friday 12p.m – 4p.m
as usual Friday afternoon is reserved for co-cu …
my first reaction when receive the schedule was “OMG'”
i was totally speechless .. because my schedule look like primary school schedule, where the class start from morning to late evening… haha
But now i feel better cause already comfortable with the NEW schedule…
I also got my last semester exam result… which is better than what i expected…
I pass all the subject with all merit but the CGPA is not that high… T.T
i think that all I wanna write on this post.. will try my best to update my blog more often…