this year CNY celebration more or less just like previous year’s…
CNY eve going back to grandma’s house for the reunion dinner with my relative…after the dinner, my uncles and aunties will give red packet … feel so happy to receive the red packet from them.. haha…~O(∩_∩)O~
a random shot on the firework at my grandma’s house…

a nice ‘firework show’ behind my house…
the first of CNY is on sunday… as usual, Sunday i will go to church with my family…
on the first day of CNY, there is a thanks giving mass at church…
after mass, i went back to my grandma’s house to have my lunch… this seems to be the tradition on my family as every year’s first day of CNY we will back to grandma’s house to to have lunch…
at night, i went to my uncle’s house to have dinner…
we also ate ‘Yee Sang’ in advance as most people will ate this dish on the 7th day of CNY…
the second day of CNY (Monday)…
early in the morning, my family and i went to my uncle’s house to gather before going to my mum’s aunt house… every 2nd day of cny we will went there to visit my mum’s aunt and having lunch there…
after lunch, i went to watch movie at GSC, 1 Borneo…
at night, i went back to my grandma’s house to have dinner…
Day three (Tuesday) night, i went to my other uncle’s house for dinner…
it was very crowded as my mum’s side family was a LARGE size family…
day four (Wednesday) i was staying at home and take a very good rest at home.. haha ^^
but at night, i went to church because that day was also the Ash Wednesday… so there is a mass at night at church…
the next afternoon (Thursday), i went to my cousin’s open house…
i felt very excited because from from the first day until the fourth day i never watch a lion dance… and on that day, my cousin’s open house has invite a lion dance team to perform the lion dance at house… XD
it was a nice performance by the team…^^
Friday night (Day 6), i went to jia hui’s house for some gathering with my college friends…
there is only around 11 people attend to this gathering as most of my college friends has went back to their hometown for CNY and school break… but we still enjoy our self very much on that day… and that night’s dinner was prepared by Yap and Jia Hui… although it was just a simple dish but taste very nice…^^ thanks again for preparing such wonderful dinner for us…XD
this is our dinner…^^ yummy \(^o^)/~
Some shot of firework on that night….^^
After that, we continue with some gambling in the house… haha… i was so lucky that day and won money..^^
the next day (Day 7) at night, i went to Uncle Clement’s (Church member) house for dinner with the church members…
Homemade Yee Sang by Aunty Rita….^^
This CNY was very fun and happening…wish all of you have a great fortune and health on this TIGER year 2010… happy CNYO ~(∩_∩)O~