Long time dint write post…^^ there are lot of things happen within this period of time…
First is my beloved Aunty Lucy has passed away…
Next, The next things is, Orientation Night or Freshie night is around the corner… This Saturday (19 June 2010) will be the day we had fun and officially done our job/responsibility as the Orientation Committee 2010...O(∩_∩)O~
this week would be a busy week for all of us, including all the freshie, group leaders, and other OC, in preparing and getting ready for the Night…I personally can’t wait for the night cause i think would be a great night…Hope everything will going smoothly , in this we pray for God … XD
nothing much to write now…until then…( ^_^ )/~~
my recent art work…hope you guys like it…(*^__^*) ……