Tuesday, March 30, 2010


its been awhile i din‘t update my blog…

recently still busy with my school assignment and test… the busy live gonna end soon…^^v  maybe 2 more weeks or 3 more weeks…. thinking of it, i just realise that my final exam is around the corner.. but do i really ready for it??? hmm..i don’t think so… my test’s result was not that good… so in final exam i have to put more efforts so that can get a higher grade and increase or at least maintain my cgpa… =.=


nothing much to say for now…just wish me all the best and lucks for the following task and much more things…


Monday, March 15, 2010


these few day…i was so stress and busy with the assignments…

maybe it was because of the short sem, everything was very rush…

there are also some things going on these days…i was selected by the lecturer as one of the Orientation Committee 2010/2011… but the position was quite funny… in short its called HK Manager, but in full is House Keeping Manager… =.=’’’

HAHAHA.. but it was okay for me..^^ most of my course mate was chosen as the Group leader… luckily i’m not a group leader, the responsibility for the group leader actually was very much harder than the main committee…

in just a blink of eyes, it was already half of the semester…another 4 weeks, it was the final exam…so nervous…hope i can pass all the subjects in this semester…

It has been a long time since the last day i saw rain drop from the sky… >.<

suddenly miss the rainy day…cause it was very HOT these few days…




先是天空没下雨, 再来功课多到爆,现在又有为A先生对我们班很不爽。

进来教书,忽然发脾气。不知谁猜到了他的尾巴。真无辜,坐在那里不出声,都可以得罪他。真衰。 ╮(╯▽╰)╭




