After arrive the old folks home, we go to the hall while waiting for the 'girls' there to bring out all the residents there to the hall. While the 'girls' busy call out the residents, I look for Sister Patricia, as i already know her since she ever work at my the Holy Family Church, Telipok where there is where i always go for the mass. After saw her standing outside the corridor, i walk to her and give her a gift(Angpau) from my mom to her, as she know my mom and chit chatting with her for awhile. After all the residents were in the hall, we start our visitation by chit chat around with the resident. At first, I don't dare to talk to the resident but after some chit chat with them,I found that actually they are very friendly, and treat us like their children. I was happy chatting with them. After that,we have our performance to them where we sing a very famous song in Sabah ~ sayang Kinabalu. After that, we sing a Happy Birthday song for them and has our cake cutting ceremony by the eldest resident there which already 101 years old.
After the cake cutting ceremony, we serve the food that we bring along to the residents while interact with them. The resident there are very friendly and love to share their story with us,. Most of them live there because their children has no time to take care of them,and some of their children are at oversea working and study and left them here alone. Some even dint saw their children for a long time. I feel sad when listen to their story and I even can see tears on their eyes and I also know how much they miss their family and their children outside there far from them.
After a long interaction with them, we say goodbye to them and shake each and every resident's hand to say goodbye and wish for their healthy. After that, we walk around the old folks home. We on our way home after saying goodbye to the person in charge and I off-course say goodbye to Sister Pat and the other sister there. I wsh to coming back here soon to visit them again.
when we arrive school from Papar, we sing a birthday song to our head of Branch as we already plan it earlier. But, before we sing it, our plan is spoil by one of the student where he first wish our head of branch HAPPY BIRTHDAY. But we still stick with our plan to sing a birthday song to Ms Chu. She thank us and wish us good luck in our study especially on our coming exam. Thanks Ms Chu for your wishes. we will do our best in the exam that coming soon.
here are some photos taken on the visitation....
the Holy Family Resident, Papar
the 101 years old grandma(second from left) taking picture with our Ms president Andrea(dress in TARC T-Shirt)and the other residents
Edward is presenting a gift from us to the eldest grandma.
The Cake
taken when touring around
Randomly take on the landscape there.
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