today not much activity that we do in the orientation.. but they is a Mind challenge games where all the fresher should go into their own group and finish their task in every station... there are actually 9 station but there are only 6 are the TRUE station where they got the correct coupon needed to finish our task. The other 3 are fake where it will waste our time...
Our group done only 8 station and luckily we got the 6 coupons needed.. haha We are not hoping to become the winner but we just hope that we are not the last team as the last team will get a punishment from the committee...
Today also got the Fire Drill where it show us the correct way to escape from the college building or compound by following the right track.. ^^
Here are pictures that was took randomly at the Hall..
Front from left: Vivian Tan(from Labuan), Sen Yee(from Sabdakan), me
Back from left: Winnie Chee(from tuaran/my old classmate), Edwin Chong(from Lahad datu)
Vivian and Sen Yee
After our Lunch, there is some slide show by the Committee..
After that we are going into our group to practice our performance for the Orientation night on 4th July 2009... there are still one month more for us to be ready to perform our group's performance..加油!!!
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