since we didn't meet with each other for few months,so we decided to go out today for a mini reunion...
first we meet at Centre Point. Then we go for a walk at the mall and heading to Warisan Square (next to CP) for our lunch... After 'discovering' at Warisan Square, finally we had made our decision to go Sin Wang Hong Kong Cafe ( 新旺港式茶餐厅 ) for our lunch.
Pauline and Vanessa
Me and Sylyester
Drink that i order ( HK milk tea)
Sylyester's drink (HK ying yang)
Vanessa's drink (Hot Milo)
Pauline's 'DRINK'.. haha at first she though it was a DRINK, but when the waiter serve her this thing in a bowl she realize that this is not a DRINK but a DESSERT.. haha... its a Mango Low anywhere >.<
Pauline with her Fried Rice ~
Vanessa and her HK Ramen with Cha Shau (^-^)
HK Wantan Noodle Soup (Sylyester's food)
This is mine~Hot Plate Set (this set including the Lamb Chop with Black Pepper Sauce, a Spaghetti, a Mushroom Soup, and of cause including my drink)...HAHA
the bills... total is RM 67.20
Haha... maybe you will think it is too expensive for four person's lunch but it worth because the food taste really good... HAHA ^^
After lunch, we go back to CP and walk around the mall until my dad call me to go home (it was around 5pm) haha....
When we at CP, we go to the Fun Square to play games... what funny thing happen is that we go play the Bumper Car where it is for kids (i think) haha..but it brings a lot of fun and our memories when we are kid, our parents also bring us to play these Bumper Car...^^
Gonna miss you guys... cause after this, we don't have change to go out so often as we are going to continue our study at different places... T.T
Anywhere good luck to all of you in your study no matter where you are...
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